That works, it's effective and is iconic in its own right, but I think there's a reason Curry traumatized a whole generation with this performance, and part of it is that he played up the clown side of the character. Posted 5 years ago on Novemwith 826 notes. I'm a big fan of what Bill Skarsgard did with his version of Pennywise, but he never makes that choice for the character. Peter Stormare versus Tim Curry - Who played the devil better Entertainment - Weekend Era ResetEra For information on humanitarian relief/support efforts for Ukraine, and how you can help, please visit this thread. 'If you were the devil, I would pay to go to hell.' Tim Curry as Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure Island, 1996. commercial Satan when hes clearly Tim Currys Darkness from THE CHIN. tim curry - LEGEND (1985) Before Tom Hardy made cinematic history by playing both Ronnie and Reggie Kray in the upcomingLegend, Tim Curry was having it large and owning the manor 30 years previous in a film of the same name.
Tim curry devil movie#
One day, he’s charged with protecting an investment. Lord Of Darkness Statue Inspired By The Legend Movie Tim Curry Legend 1985.

they all float." and he switches gears to the monster, it's too late. 1 Gabriel Byrne in ‘End of Days’ (1999) Jericho Cane ( Arnold Schwarzenegger) is an ex-NYPD detective working for a private security company. By the time he's onto the famous, "Yes, Georgie. In other words, he connects to his victim in a way that is so on the level that it becomes even creepier than if he played Pennywise sinister the whole way through. It earned a resurgence with a director’s cut DVD release, marked the epitome of fantasy movies of the era (like Willow and The Dark Crystal), and according to IGN, depicts one of the top ten demons of all time (alongside Pinhead of Hellraiser) portrayed by Rocky Horror Picture Show’s Tim Curry. When he's introducing himself to the boy in the yellow slicker and telling him about the wonderful carnival with all the treats and goodies, he does so with the excitement of a child. A 30 minute ode to Tim Currys performance in Ridley Scotts Legend, one of the greatest villains in cinema history, in my humble estimation. Tis easy enough to scratch Princess Lily : I hear a throat begging to be cut Darkness : Are you so eager to see blood flow Princess Lily : As eager as you are to drink it Darkness : What is light without dark Darkness : Eat. Still, the movie ranks as a cult fan favorite. Yes, he's very creepy, but there's a little innocence that he channels in that first appearance where he's talking with Georgie from the sewer that is played without any hint of evil. The Story of Mankind (1957) Director: Irwin Allen The devil can be a vicious devourer or a lust-fueled beast when abandon takes him, but he’s far more dangerous when he’s wearing his most.